Guangdong Yuanyao Test Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Guangdong Yuanyao Test Equipment Co.,Ltd.

What Can Be Measured by an Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven

Industrial vacuum drying ovens can be used to measure various physical parameters such as drying performance, thermal stability, thermogravimetric analysis, thermal expansion coefficient, and weight loss tests of different substances.

Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven for Drying Performance Testing

Industrial vacuum drying ovens can be used to measure the drying performance of various materials. Drying performance testing can reduce or remove moisture or other solvents from samples through heating and vacuum processing. Typically, drying performance tests can help determine the weight loss of each sample after heating and calculate their moisture content. This is very useful for material manufacturers and researchers, as moisture or solvent content is an important parameter for certain applications.

Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven for Testing Thermal Stability

Industrial vacuum drying ovens can also be used to test the thermal stability of various materials. Thermal stability testing measures the stability of materials at different temperatures, aiming to assess the likelihood of chemical and physical changes when materials are exposed to high temperatures. Measuring thermal stability can help manufacturers determine the lifespan and performance of materials under specific conditions.

Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven for Thermogravimetric Analysis Testing

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method used to determine the mass and thermal stability of materials under vacuum or non-vacuum conditions. In TGA testing, samples are exposed to continuously or gradually increasing temperatures while their mass changes are monitored. Through thermogravimetric analysis testing, it is possible to determine the thermal decomposition curves representing different materials, and help material researchers or manufacturers understand the chemical composition and characteristics of materials.

Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven for Thermal Expansion Coefficient Testing

Industrial vacuum drying ovens can also use thermal expansion coefficient testing techniques to determine the volume changes of materials when heated. The testing method involves placing the sample in a testing device, heating it, and measuring the volume change to determine the material's thermal expansion coefficient. This parameter is very useful in the production process as it helps manufacturers predict the changes in materials during actual use.

Weight Loss Test with Industrial Vacuum Drying Oven

The weight loss test is a method to measure the relative reactivity of materials to determine their chemical and physical properties. During the weight loss test, materials lose weight due to chemical reactions or heating. By accurately measuring the weight loss, it is possible to determine the stability of the material and the temperature conditions under which it loses weight.

Overall, industrial vacuum drying ovens are widely used in fields such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. With these test results, material researchers and manufacturers can better understand their materials and improve performance and efficiency during the production process.
