Guangdong Yuanyao Test Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Guangdong Yuanyao Test Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Industrial Computer Reliability Testing Solution

With the advent of the Industry 4.0 era, industrial computers, as core technological equipment, are crucial for the intelligent transformation of various industries due to their reliability and stability. To ensure the excellent performance of industrial computers in various complex environments, a leading provider of testing solutions in the industry has introduced a new reliability testing solution for industrial computers. This solution provides strong technical support for enhancing the performance of industrial computers through refined testing in high-low temperature tests, accelerated aging test for electronics, and temperature-humidity test chamber.

High&Low Temperature Testing: Ensuring the Stability of Industrial Computers in Extreme Environments

Industrial computers often face extreme environmental challenges, whether in extreme low temperatures outdoors, high or low temperature regions, or in enclosed spaces and mobile devices; their stability is crucial. High&low temperature testing are designed for these environmental conditions, simulating the operational performance of industrial computers under various temperature extremes to comprehensively assess their reliability and stability. Test contents include temperature cycles within the range of -40℃ to 85℃, which not only tests the performance of industrial computers under low or high temperature conditions but also identifies potential thermal stress issues, ensuring that the equipment maintains optimal performance after prolonged use. Through such high and low temperature test chamber, the stability of industrial computers in extreme temperatures is effectively ensured.

Accelerated Aging Test for Electronics: Identifying Potential Issues in Advance

As industrial computers age over time, their components may gradually degrade, affecting overall performance. To address this challenge, accelerated aging test for electronics simulate aging conditions after prolonged use through cyclic temperature changes. The test temperature ranges from -40℃ to 85℃, with a temperature change rate of 10℃ per minute. This accelerated aging test can reveal potential performance degradation or failure issues that industrial computers might face in future use within a shorter period, providing critical data for researchers to make early adjustments and optimizations. Accelerated aging test for electronics are not only a key step in ensuring product quality but also an effective means of enhancing the long-term reliability of industrial computers.

Temperature&Humidity Test Chamber: Simulating Diversified Climate Conditions for Testing

Globally, industrial computers may be exposed to various different climatic conditions, including high temperature and high humidity, low temperature and low humidity, and other extreme environments. Temperature&humidity test chamber simulate these diversified climate conditions to comprehensively test the adaptability and performance changes of industrial computers. Test contents include high and low-temperature operations, storage temperature cycles, condensation tests, and other environmental simulations aimed at evaluating the performance of industrial computers under different temperature and humidity combinations. Additionally, the testing scheme strictly follows international standards to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the test results. Through temperature&humidity test chamber tests, the adaptability of industrial computers under different global climatic conditions is fully verified.

Through the reliability testing solution, the reliability of industrial computers in various complex environments is comprehensively enhanced. This not only ensures the key role of the equipment in the Industry 4.0 era but also provides solid technical support for promoting the continuous development of the industrial computer industry.